如何用 Evernote 規劃一次完美日本旅遊?我的20個筆記攻略 -電腦玩物 出國旅行準備繁瑣又問題多,還要收藏旅遊回憶,我從京都大阪自由行 Evernote 經驗,分享筆記如何讓你的旅行更完美。 ... 旅遊書上面常常有經過最精深整理的內容,沒道理不看旅遊書,但 Evernote 的好處是不管我在網頁上、書本上,還是朋友口耳推薦下 ...
Evernote Web Clipper 整合 Clearly、 Skitch 統一擷取整理 -電腦玩物 把 網頁截圖後,可以利用 Skitch 的各種標註工具,在畫面裡坐上重點註解。 當然,你不一定要另外安裝 Skitch,現在這個功能內建在「 ...
Evernote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Evernote is a suite of software and services, designed for notetaking and archiving. A "note" can be a piece of formatted text, a full webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten "ink" note. Notes can also have file attachment
[other] It's about time to make the official Evernote Web Clipper ... As there is Clipper for Mac Safari, why isn't there one for iPad and iPhone. It's really time to create it.
克里斯的小窩: Evernote Web Clipper for iOS 2012年8月26日 ... Evernote Web Clipper for iOS. Evernote 是非常有名的雲端筆記服務,小弟我雖然 不是重度使用者,但也 ...
The New Evernote for iOS 8: Web Clipping, Quick Notes, and More - Evernote Blog Every significant iOS update opens up new possibilities for Evernote. We’re excited to unveil three major new features that are made possible by iOS 8, plus a few other great additions. Get Evernote for iPhone and iPad Clipping from the web and apps We’ve
Evernote Bookmarklet for iPad — iOS Bookmarklets Shut down Safari. Double tap the home button and make sure its not running. Then launch Safari again and go to a site that you want to save to Evernote. Activate the web clipper. It should appear as a small overlay in the top right corner: http://cl.ly/im
The New Evernote for iOS 8: Web Clipping, Quick Notes ... 2014年9月17日 - We've wanted to bring web clipping to iOS for a long time. It's here, and it's much more than just web clipping. Whenever you're on a webpage ...
Get Evernote Web Clipper Evernote Web Clipper. Collect the best of the web, all in one place. Quickly and easily clip articles, text, and images right into Evernote. Download Webclipper.
How to clip web pages and content from Android and iOS ... - Evernote Android. To clip a web page from your browser, simply tap the options menu ... Open any browser on your device; Tap the iOS sharing button or the sharing ...